Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is a Street Saint?

I started the day in the wee hours of the morning! I heard my phone go off around 4:30am! Who the heck would be sending me a text at 4:37am? At that hour, it is usually not good news.

I was too asleep to look, but at 5:23am I finally responded. It was a text from Charles. I wrote back and said he was quite the early bird!

What was really cool about the text was that he wanted to remind me to be looking for a job for his friend who was unemployed, but had some skills as an electrician. I had told Charles earlier in the week that I knew an electrician at church. He also knew that I get up around 5:30am in order to get ready for a busy Sunday!

Here is a man more concerned about someone else's well being, then sleep itself.

Charles is a very unselfish man who cares deeply for others.

How cool is that! 

Charles is what is called a "Street Saint!"

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