Saturday, June 2, 2012

What are the chances?

This morning I received an email from Wendy suggesting that I take a look at a piece of property on Chamberlayne Ave.

I love looking at possibilities and dreaming about what could be.

Most of the time it is something new that I never thought of. God has a different plan and I need to just get on board with his plan.

Whenever I take a look at property I look up the owners information through the city tax records. I went about my normal routine of due deligence and came across the information I was looking for.

I shared the information with my wife. We both couldn't believe it! What are the chances! 

Does God have a sense of humor or what!

Are there coincidences or just God showing himself to us!

Owner's name = Hookup LLC!!!

PS If you didn't get it look up to the top of the page!

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