Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Father knows best!

How many folks remember that show?

Guess what! 

It's even older than I am! So I figure a lot of folks reading this won't have a clue?

The last few days have reminded me that my Father in heaven knows better than I do. I have been sucked into the mind set of today that everything needs to happen NOW!

I long for the day to see affordable housing for those who need it, employment for those willing to work for a fair wage and families staying together.

More than all that; I long for the day that people will come to know Christ because someone showed Christ's love to them through an act of kindness or generosity!

On Sunday a good friend reminded me that Moses had to wait 40 days or was it 40 years! 

I got to admit I don't have that kind of patience, but guess what?

God knows that about me!

I have been able to observe over the last couple of days, small steps of movement towards significant change. A family taking charge of the challenges they face and making the necessary changes to get out of the rut their in. My good friend Charles calling to say there are business possibilities happening on Brookland Park. Starting new friendships in the north side. Non profits looking at where their best impact for the area could be. Meetings set to discuss with other business folks about new job opportunities for the area.

These are just a few significant events happening in the area!

I'm impatient!

But my Father knows best!

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