Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's all in the details.

The past few days have been some what uneventful in many ways and in others it has been one of the best!

In today's society we look for the glitz and glamour as well as the big and crazy!

I have a tendency to fall into that trap as I look for God in my daily walk.

I want him to show up in big ways and do what only God can do!

I look for the big things instead of the tiny details!

In the past few days there have been small yet awesome miracles that encourage me in my journey.

One day last week Tim caught up to me on my prayer walk around Northminster. I was humbled when he asked to carry my bucket and the "grip and grab" (trash picker upper).

He wanted the task of picking up the trash as we walked.

I couldn't help but feel excited inside of what God was doing.

Back in February I started alone on this walk for months and now Tim has joined in on the adventure!

Just the other day my wife called to say that God had gotten her attention in a very unique way through a song on the radio!

Today I was greeted with a shout out from a passing car while I was walking down the road. It was Matt cheering me on!

How cool is it that God would show up in the smallest of ways, yet I am usually too busy to notice.

Thank you Lord that I noticed the details these past few days!

Thank you Lord that you care enough about the smallest of details!

May I stay focused on you and not the wild and crazy or the glitz and the glamour!

May I stay focused on you and watch you work in the smallest of details!

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