Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Genealogy of a prayer!

In the study on the book "The Circle Maker" we discussed the genealogy of prayer.

Do you know of folks that have prayed for you?

It is a great exercise to think of people who have prayed before you on your behalf!

I had to ponder the fact that my uncle Ned had prayed for years for a wild man who through his teenage years and early twenties had experienced, a broken home, drug and alcohol abuse and several unhealthy relationships.

That wild man was me!

My uncle, one day was taking a discipleship class and it called for him to write down the names of folks who he should be praying for.

He didn't hesitate to start his list! He knew lots of folks to pray for!

Then he realized that he hadn't asked God first for the names. He stopped and he began to pray!

Almost instantly my name came to the forefront of his prayers!

Now let me back up a bit to set this up a little better.

For years in my wild stage of life I refused to speak to anyone about anything that had to do with God!

My uncle Ned on the other hand loves to speak with ANYONE who will hear him talk about Jesus!

My uncle loves nothing more than to share the love of Christ with everyone!

I used to for years, tell my uncle that if he wanted to talk to me about God, Jesus or the bible then I would get up and leave the room.

I refused to listen to him!

I wanted nothing to do with God!

Now it wasn't one or two days after my Uncle began to pray specifically for me that I showed up on his doorstep asking him to tell me about this man named Jesus.

I had Hit bottom!

As the story goes, my uncle Ned was prayed for and brought to Christ by way of a man named Doug.

I don't know Doug's prayer genealogy, but I do know that Doug prayed for Ned and Ned prayed for me!

Who are you praying for specifically!

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