Friday, October 5, 2012

Don't believe everything you hear!

Today was a great day of learning more about the homeless population!

I started the morning by driving out to the hood to pick up Charles for breakfast.

Charles came out the house at 7am and we drove off to our usual spot in Scott's Addition called the Dairy Bar.

On the way to the restaurant we drove by a homeless person I had seen before at a meeting at the Alpha and Omega Bible Church this past Tuesday.

He was walking down the road across from the Diamond.

As I drove by I began to have that discussion in my head again!

Should I or shouldn't I?

Should I stop and ask him to join us or not? This struggle went on for several blocks as I drove along.

Mean while Charles is having a conversation with a dummy at this point because I am not listening to him, I am trying to figure out what to do in my own head.

I finally stop the car in the middle of the street and ask Charles if we should go pick up Jerry on the street.

Charles said be ready for what you might be getting into.

I knew God was up to something!

I made the u turn and chased down Jerry.

When we caught up to him we asked if he wanted to go out to breakfast. Once he saw a familiar face he agreed to join us.

At breakfast we asked where he was sleeping? He said on the bench right in front of the bus station. Charles proceeded to offer him a bed at a shelter, but he refused.

Jerry had heard rumors about the place and didn't want to go.

Unfortunately there is probably more to the story than what we were getting. 

We had a great breakfast together and we took Jerry back to the place we picked him up from.

Afterwards Charles and I spent some time talking. Charles explained that too often we will believe the false facts of others without checking things out for ourselves.

Charles had explained that this was true in his life.

I know this to be true in my own life. I will take things at face value without checking them out myself.

Jerry had a perspective about this one shelter that he had heard about, but was not totally accurate. He would not believe what we told him to be true.

Charles should know, he spent 33 years on the streets.

Charles suggested that we need to show him ourselves. I hope that opportunity will come soon.


  1. AHHHHHHHH yes amen and amen Nelson I'm still totally unpacking our experience a few months later and finding all this to be true and helping me to see God in a whole new way!!!! Still no word from our sister ... praying for an angel to walk along side her.

    Have you seen this film?
    Best 43 mins of my day yesterday, reminding me why I do what I do everyday and made me more passionate about our work together!!!!

    Hope to see you soon,

  2. Great movie!

    I ordered the DVD the other week. Which reminds me I haven't seen that dvd?
