Sunday, October 21, 2012

Co-op comes together!

A few months back I wrote a post about a Mobile Grocery Store.

On Friday and Saturday I got the opportunity to follow up with how it was going.

I met Charles for breakfast Friday and afterwards we went to go pick up the mobile grocery store truck.

We then proceeded to the distribution center to pick up the meat.

When we got there we were told they were running behind. We waited and finally got the meat loaded up. 

In the mean time I met the owner and we had a great talk about how all this was coming together. She was thrilled to play a part.

After loading up the truck we proceeded to take the truck to a safe location for night storage.

Saturday morning we got the truck and took it to Northminster Church.

Upon arriving lots of neighborhood folks showed up to pitch in.

These folks had an invested interest. 

They were all part of a new food co-op!

The food pantry still goes on, but this new model promotes responsibility, dignity and ownership!

They were taking ownership of what was happening. 

It wasn't long before lots of people showed up to get their meats at a much discounted rate.

Last spring there was no coop and no grocery store in Northside with good meats to choose from at a reasonable price.

Today there is new life and possibilities in Northside! 

It's great when all people come together!

I want to especially thank Embrace Richmond and all of it's staff for making this possible!

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