Sunday, July 29, 2012

What's your sign?

Last week I received a sign from God as to what steps I needed to take.

Based on my prayers at the time, I felt led to have a meeting with my former partner and his wife.

I had spoken with my wife and we discussed it for a while.

We were of the same mind as to what to do!

The meeting took place this past Tuesday evening.

It couldn't have gone any better. God gets ALL the credit!

I just needed a sign!

I don't want people to think I am testing God. I'm NOT. I believe God can do anything!

I was just trying to get confirmation that I was moving in the right direction before I had the meeting.

In the old testament Gideon did it with a fleece.

I love it when God confirms the steps you take. He goes before you and prepares the way.

As I reflected on these events, I realized how much I need to live every moment doing what God would have me do.

How do I do that?

I guess I need a sign!

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