Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Confronting my own prejudices means personal growth!

I have been on this journey for the last 11 months and I have been challenged in this particular area of my life as it concerns my personal prejudices towards race and even the homeless. 

I needed to step out and make a change.

I have lived most of my life with my white family, white friends and my upper middle class status.

It takes an intentional step to make friends with those outside of your bubble.

So about a year ago I decided to step out and be different.

Different in the sense that I was not going to keep doing what I had been doing.

Do you know what the definition of insanity is?

(Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results!)

I wanted to get back my sanity!

I wanted God to move in my life in such a way that others would not see me, but see God at work through me!

Thus I started this blog in order for others to see God at work!

Race has always played a negative role in Richmond politics for as long as I have been alive and before that.

If you want to read a great book about it, then try Richmond's Unhealed History.

How is that ever going to change unless people start to get out of their comfort zone and trust God in ALL of their relationships.

Charles from the inner city has become my mentor and best friend!

He has challenged me in so many ways!

Sometimes the greatest change will only take place if it starts with yourself.

I have found this to be soooo true!

If your willing to step out in faith you might be surprised what you will learn and how much you will grow!

Put yourself in a place of vulnerability and watch what God can do!

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