Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I have really enjoyed getting to know Jerry, the homeless guy living on the streets.

The other day at breakfast he shared a couple of stories that really hit me!

At church we have been discussing the power of prayer.

In the bible it states you have not because you ask not.

Jerry shared with me that one day he asked God to give him a penny. I am not sure why, but I guess he wanted to see God show up.

That same day Jerry found a $20 bill!

How much more does God want to answer our prayers!

I love that Jerry had the faith to ask!

Then Jerry totally shocked me with the next statement that came out of his mouth.

He began to share that he had been through a lot, but nothing he has experienced will ever compare to the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross for him!

This coming from a man who lives on the street, who needs a hip replacement as well as his knees replaced. He can barely walk and is in a lot of pain all the time!

I am humbled to know Jerry!

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