Monday, May 13, 2013

Intentional Work!

What is Intentional Work?

Before I answer that question let me give you some back ground on the ways I used to get work done around my house.

I have lived in my present home for close to 20 years.

When there was work to be done I had three choices.

1) Call a contractor to come do the work.

2) Do it myself.

3) Don't do anything and let it slide.

Unfortunately I have to admit that in a lot of cases I would go with option three because I was just plain lazy!

Over the past few months I have come up with option 4, which I have found to be the most rewarding and fun!

4) Go into the city and find urban campers or people with little or no income and give them a job to do.

I have chosen option 4 recently in order to get my house ready to be put on the market.

Option 4 takes intentionality!

It takes time, effort and even money.

The rewards of option 4 are everlasting because it has more to do with building relationships with people you would never meet otherwise.

Options 1-3 don't involve building relationships.

Hire the contractor and be done. 

Do it yourself and be alone, or just be lazy like I have been most of my life!

If you don't believe me then just look at the pictures of my back yard.

For years I have allowed the weeds and vines to take over the backyard.

This past weekend I went into town and got two guys from the city to come out and work along side my son and myself and transform the jungle into a yard.

We all had a blast sharing stories and getting to know one another.

We even made the neighbors mad by playing our music too loud!

I blame my 20 something son for that! He's actually 23.

We shared meals together and even had other friends over to enjoy one another's company.

The house was alive with family and friends!

Oh by the way a great job was completed!

This work just didn't happen on it's own. 

I didn't call the contractor.

I didn't do it myself.

I chose to go with option 4!

It's what I call Intentional Work!

I dare you to try it!

It will change your life! It has mine!

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