Saturday, July 27, 2013


One of the hardest aspects of working with the Urban Camper is knowing how to set up boundaries.

When you establish a relationship with a person who is dependent on asking you for basic needs it becomes extremely difficult!

I take for granted my basic needs, a bed to sleep on, a way to get to where I am going or how about a meal.

I take these things for granted all the while for someone else, it's the most important thing in their world.

I need to learn what boundaries need to be set.

I need God's spirit to guide me in this.

God loves us but he also disciplines us.

No one likes to be disciplined, but I know I am learning every day what I must in order to better serve those who are struggling to meet their basic needs.

Some times I need to learn the hard way and sometimes it's the other way around.

It's not always fun, but I do enjoy growing in my knowledge of how to best serve the Urban Camper.

Every person is different and sometimes you have to move the boundaries to their proper place.

I just need to ask God to show me where the boundaries need to be.

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