Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Exchange of Information

One way to overcome poverty, the racial divide and homelessness is the exchange of information.

I was talking to Charles the other day and he gave me some great words of wisdom.

Money is not the only way to solve some of these problems.

There needs to be an exchange of information between each other.

Charles has gained a lot of knowledge over the years by listening to others outside his normal circle of friends.

He has ventured outside of his comfort zone and sought out information.

Over the last year or more I have been to places I would have never gone to before seeking information.

The next step in the process is to share what you have learned with others.

Some people have very little resources and some have been given great opportunities.

How can we bring people together to share in everyone's knowledge.

Charles and I have a very LARGE gap in our history and up bringing, but we can learn from one another.

When we exchange information with one another we can not only help each other, but we can help others.

This is how we can best serve others.

An example of mine would be the fact that this past week a friend of mine was kicked out of a local shelter. 

He had no where to go. He tried the Salvation Army Shelter, but they were full.

He had run out of options.

I knew of the Good Samaritan Ministries.

I told him about GSM and he is there now enjoying a new place where he can start his life over.

If we will cross the racial divide and share information we can do so much more.

I see it in Charles' and my relationship.

Step out of your comfort zone and share what you know with others.

The exchange of ideas will go a lot farther to solving problems and be more sustainable than the exchange of money.

When you exchange ideas there must be a relationship.

There must be a level of trust.

It's not about what you can learn as much as it is what you can share with others to make a difference in someone else's life.

So thanks to Charles, I'm all about the exchange of information to make the world a better place.

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