Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Reconciliation and I95...

As I walk down this path God has me on, I see how much more he wants to do than what I can imagine.

Almost every week I see confirmation of where he has me.

Moving to the hood was not a coincidence.

The other day I got to know my neighbor who is 94 years old.

Now let me give you some historical background.

Early on in this process I learned that my grandfather may have played a role in what has turned out to be the cause of some of the racial tensions in this city.

The now current path of interstate 95 was proposed to the city residents as a referendum back in the early 50's.

At the time there was an alternate route called Bacon's Quarter, which was absent of large neighborhoods.

Not once but twice the referendum was put before the city.

Both times the residents voted that they did not want the interstate to come through the city.

All I know based on what I have read is that my grandfather was the mayor of Richmond at the time and that he was for it.

Despite the fact that the residents overwhelmingly voiced their objections to I95 coming through the heart of downtown Richmond, it was built.

The authority was given to The Richmond Petersburg Turnpike Authority by way of the Virginia General Assembly.

This was done to expedite the process and then city government officials could wash their hands of it, seeing how they didn't want to listen to the voice of the people.

That decision destroyed much of Jackson Ward and the neighborhood of Navy Hill.

Approximately 18 city blocks and 1000 homes were destroyed.

It was perceived as a white man's vote at the detriment of the black community and rightfully so.

I have come to see it first hand.

I have met people who used to live in those areas.

Back to my neighbor.

As I was speaking with my neighbor getting to know her, I asked where she used to live.

She mentioned the downtown area before that interstate came through.

It struck a personal chord with me!

I knew then that this was going to be quite the ride.

I hope to be able to ask forgiveness from those I come into contact with that have been impacted by that one decision that destroyed a thriving community.

God offers us the opportunity to heal the wounds of the past and to bring about reconciliation.

Reconciliation and an Interstate -- who would have thought it would have become so personal! 

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