Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Judgement, A Pony Tail, The Homeless and All In

Many people ask about my pony tail.

In my 54 years I have NEVER had one!

So why now of all times?

Before I explain the why let me give you what my perspective would have been 2 years ago.

"He's a hippie!"

"That's disgusting!"

"It looks gross!"

This is not unlike how I would look at someone on the street begging for some money or work.

I would be quick to judge from a distance.

"Get a job!"

"That man is filthy!"

"I bet he smells too."

"He must be a drunk."

Too often I would be quick to judge based solely on appearances!

I would even keep my distance because of the color of another man's skin.

I was way too judgmental of others.

Today I am being judged as well.

I know my family hates the pony tail!

Most of my friends would feel the same.

It may sound like I am judging those who are judging me.

Guilty as charged! I have a long ways to go!

I would like to ask at what point did the pony tail change who I am?

Your appearance is not who you are.

Yes I am a 54 year old white male brought up in an upper middle class society.

Pony tails were NOT part of that scene!

I began two years ago to see my own short comings.

Back then I would have seen the homeless as somebody less than me.

Or I intentionally avoided a man who happened to be black.

It's not the way God sees them!

I want God's eyes as he views all people!

I want the love that God has for all his children.

He loves us ALL!

So let me go back to the original question. 

Why the pony tail? Why now?

One day I was reading in the book of 1 Samuel 1:10-11 NLT

10 Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11 And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.[e]

It occurred to me that I wanted to jump All In with God.

When you get married most people wear a wedding ring to represent their vow to their spouse.

I want my pony tail to represent my love for God!

To help my cause my daughter said it makes me "more approachable."

It doesn't hurt that my wife likes it!

By the way my daughter's boyfriend has longer hair than me!

So what does that have to do with the homeless?

I am hoping that I will be more approachable.

Two years ago I spoke about how The Church can end homelessness.

I believe in that more today than ever.

I believe if we go All In for God then nothing is impossible.

I don't want to be known as normal!

Clean cut, suburban, business man, church administrator!

I want to be radical for God!

Spend two years prayer walking, confess my love of money, move to the hood, my best friend is a 57 year old black man, put on a homeless retreat, and I have a pony tail!

To some that doesn't mean much, but in comparison to the life I was living it's radical!

In the not too distant future I can see a day shelter and community center for the homeless, poor and outcasts. 

Not unlike what I have seen online at Epath.

I am All In and on a wild ride that I would not trade for anything.

My question: What about you!

It takes only "20 seconds of insane courage" to take that step to go All In!

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