Saturday, February 8, 2014

Circles of Influence

What happens when my circle of influence (A) intersects

with my friend's circle (B).

Life change!

The other day my friend David texted me that he knew a

single mom with two kids, who desperately needed some


David said to me in a text "Just a shot in the dark to try and

help her".

The challenge was that the mom lived an hour away.

I must admit at first, I thought it was going to be too difficult

to pull off.

I was too busy and didn't recall knowing anyone in Amelia.

That's when I had to stop and just ask God for help.

Sure enough, I then recalled knowing a Church in Amelia.

I called the youth pastor and he said he knew someone that

could help.

This was on a Wednesday and by that Saturday David's

friend had some firewood delivered.

So what happens when we work together and try to meet the

needs of others?

Lives are changed!

Mine, David's, and a single mom's

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