Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Caring Heart! It's Worth It!

The following is an email exchange between Kat and myself.

The original email on 1/4/14 

My name is Kat and I wanted to bring a situation to your attention. I want to start off by telling you the reason I chose you to reach out to is because it seems your ministry is addressing, identifying, and working for/with homeless folks. Although I do not personally attend church my mother, sister, brother in law, and sometimes my youngest daughter do. That is how I found your name and information and your ministry is through them and the Atlee Community Church Facebook page.

    I want to give you some history on the situation I am writing about. Each day twice a day I drive my father to and from work. We take mainly back roads as our path instead of main roads. Not only is it an easier less congested route, it is also for the quiet beautiful drive. There is a section of woods that we come to just before a bridge which takes us over the interstate. We are aware of a group of homeless men that have taken up what seems to be somewhat a permanent residence just before the bridge in the woods.

    I am not sure whether there are 3 or 4 men. They are actually visible from the interstate itself only I'm sure because of the top speeds most folks are doing they don't notice unless travel was at a standstill. They have tents, tarps, what looks to be a fire pit so I am pretty sure they have a way to have a heat source whether it is for warmth or cooking. It seems there are some other things back there as well. We've actually seen them and they appear to have weather appropriate attire which is a blessing in my opinion. Heck all the things I've listed above are a blessing in my opinion. I've had little interaction with them at the Food Lion which is located just across Brook Rd on Concord Avenue.

    If I were standing in front of the Food Lion I typically see them sitting on a bench located to the left. I have not personally seen them asking for money although many of the employees (manager(s)) included have sat with them and even talked with them. I have seen while shopping before picking up my father that a couple of them have purchased alcohol. I do not usually see them purchasing food or toiletries; etc. It is not to assume that all they do with funds given/received is to buy alcohol. I can only say what I have personally seen.

    We have seen a white truck that drives down into the woods some and stays for a short period of time. Going off of assumption we think someone is checking on them. That is a blessing as well. A lot of my father's co-workers have made mention of the same truck and they seem to be of the opinion that someone has obvious contact with them. To what degree and how often we are not sure.

    My boyfriend and I have talked extensively about this. In fact, he drove here this am and we talked about this in detail. He says it has been on my heart long enough and I need to take that as a sign from God. I have gone back and forth for some time now. This am I am certainly drawn to speak up.

    As the seasons have changed I have put myself in their shoes. I do that nearly every day and not just with them. It is my 'fix' part of my make up. I have had a lot of thoughts over this situation. A lot of questions too. Why would they choose to be in the woods instead of seeking out opportunities to help themselves? Why would they use money received to purchase alcohol instead of food or maybe they do purchase food and a little alcohol. I wonder if they have enough food, clothing, if they have a place to get cleaned up. There are parts of my thoughts that get a little angry. I ask why they don't try harder or why they sit on that bench, get money, then walk right in and buy alcohol and sometimes cigarettes.

    It isn't my place to judge. At the same time I believe as hard as we try we all have and at times do judge. I do know there are some folks who simply are down on their luck and they have to do what ever they can to get the basics most take for granted. I also know and have seen some abuse the good others have done and are trying to do to help them. I don't know if these men are receptive to a visit. Will they be angry? Will they reject any sort of conversation or help? Are they looking for someone to reach out to them? Have they just gotten so comfortable with being uncomfortable that they don't know anymore that they have choices? I don't know if they are open to suggestions for help and resources to make better choices. I don't know if they have some of the very basics for day to day survival. I don't know if they are able to receive services through our local county services or housing; etc.

    What I do know is God is telling me if I do nothing else I need to reach out to someone who has made this their ministry and someone who is making a difference. I also know that each am and pm I drive my father to and from work they are there. They are visible. Their blue tents and tarps are obvious through the leafless trees. The smoke from their homemade fire pit billows through the vacant trees. I see them walking in the am and pm back and forth. In the pm it seems like they are trying to make sure they are in their makeshift home(s) before dark. Each am and pm I see them my curiosity and need to at least try to help them even if it is only through this communication has grown stronger.

    What do I want from you? To read this with an open heart and mind. To take away from it whether or not your ministry with this very subject will lead you to reach out to them and/or help them. To see whether or not you are able to get through to them with the help of God and your lessons learned. I would like to ask for your feedback. Would you consider going and speaking with them? Would you also consider following up with me letting me know what you've found out?

      I know this is long. If you have made it this far having read the entirety of my message I thank you. I needed to get this out and feel a sense of relief. I am hopeful you might follow up on this and get back to me. If you are unable to address this situation I would still like to say thank you for reading.

All best,



I am sorry that it has taken me this long, but let me give you an update.

I just got back from visiting Steve who lives at the camp off Scott rd. 

It turns out that the cops showed up the other day with representatives from Va Supportive Housing.

He claimed that VSH is going to get him into an apartment in a couple of weeks.

Answer to your prayers!

Steve was the only one in the camp, Norman and Rayburn were off working on a job.

A total of three live there.

Steve has been homeless since 2000. He has lived there in the woods for 6-7 years. His parents are deceased and he has 12 brothers and sisters. He is 53 years old from Norfolk. He loves the cold weather and has no problem with the severe cold. He prefers it over the heat.

I gave Steve a ride down the road to return a rake that he had borrowed. He had just finished raking two yards to earn some cash.

He says he doesn't ask people outright for money, but he will fly a sign on the street and take whats given to him.

He even told me of a time he flew a sign outside Walmart where he made $85 in less than an hour before he was told to leave by the security.

He doesn't care much for his other camp mates. He seems very independent.

He can't stand the city life.

He prefers to be alone and can't wait to get into his own apartment and disappear.

I delivered him a backpack full of food, personal items and socks. The backpack was put together by a group of folks from church. They provided me with 15 backpacks to give out.

Steve was very appreciative of the backpack and slung it on his back as he headed to his camp to eat some hot dogs.

He seemed very happy. When I asked what I could pray for him he said "nothing."

He wakes up every morning thanking God for a beautiful day!

By the way you are right he has a friend, Bryan who has a white pick up truck.

He seems to be doing quit well for himself, but was especially excited about getting an apartment!

That's about it!

Please pray for Steve, Norman, and Rayburn!

Take care!

I appreciate your heart!

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