Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I'm Above Ground, So I Can't Complain!

This morning on my walk this was the response I received when I asked a stranger " How are you doing?"

He said " I'm above ground so I can't complain!"

I love it because I have seen over and over again people who are homeless, poor and even sick have such great attitudes under horrific circumstances.

I wish I could say the same, but I can't.

I take for granted the fact that I am alive and blessed with so much.

I know a man who lives on a park bench and looks at life so positively?


I try to relate but I can't.

The fact is that they appreciate God for all the right reasons. 

I seem to fall short.

I tend to take too much for granted.

I want to be thankful for what God has done, for what God is doing and for what God is going to do.

Let me wake up every day and say "I'm above ground so I can't complain!"

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