When are we going to wake up and take the steps to be fiscally responsible not to mention a people who care!
'Stunning' Data Proves, Yet Again, Housing The Homeless Would Actually Save Taxpayers Big Time
When are we going to wake up and take the steps to be fiscally responsible not to mention a people who care!
'Stunning' Data Proves, Yet Again, Housing The Homeless Would Actually Save Taxpayers Big Time
Unfortunately this situation is playing out in many cities through out the country.
There are many positive points on both sides of the argument.
I have seen that we are under resourced in the Richmond area.
I have also seen that there are not enough coordinated efforts between the small non profits and the service providers.
The city could save a lot of money and get people in homes if they would take a stand for what is right.
There are no simple answers, but we need to have open dialogue and not let competition or funding get in the way of the bigger picture.
Ending Homelessness!
I am so proud of my Church!
I am thousands of miles away and wish I could be a part of what will happen in just over a week's time.
Just yesterday I received an email asking if we could help with the local homeless shelter.
They needed a church at the last minute to host 30-40 women who are in transition for a week.
I was at a loss since I am halfway across the world.
In my absence my Church has stepped up to help the homeless.
I have dreamed of this day coming, but assumed I would be there to participate.
God always seems to surprise me.
To see the Church step up in this way is a beautiful thing.
It represents the Church at its best, helping the "the least of these".
I pray that the Church will love on these women in a way that they will know they are loved by God!
Thank you Atlee Community Church for being the Church!
The Church is truly the hope of the world!